What Should You Know About the New RII Training Package?

With the new version of the RII Training Package, a number of positive changes and exciting opportunities have been made to the RII program. And what are some of the significant changes? What can you expect from the new RII training package? Read on to find out.

Some of the major changes are: 

-          12 revised qualifications

-          14 newly created units of competency

-          15 units of competency updated

-          Six qualifications were deleted

-          77 units of competency were deleted from Version 6.0

-          Minor updates made to 11 qualifications from Version 6.0.

-          Minor updates were made to 1 skillset from Version 6.0

Here is a list of the new and updated qualifications that you can expect:

Qualifications -

·         RII20220 Certificate II in Surface Extraction Operations

·         RII20420 Certificate II in Underground Metalliferous Mining

·         RII20520 Certificate II in Resource Processing

·         RII30120 Certificate III in Surface Extraction Operations

·         RII30320 Certificate III in Underground Metalliferous Mining

·         RII30420 Certificate III in Resource Processing

·         RII40120 Certificate IV in Surface Extraction Operations

·         RII40320 Certificate IV in Underground Metalliferous Mining Operations

·         RII40520 Certificate IV in Resource Processing

·         RII50120 Diploma of Surface Operations Management

·         RII60120 Advanced Diploma of Metalliferous Mining

·         RII60220 Advanced Diploma of Extractive Industries Management

Units of competencies - 14 newly created units of competency:

·         RIIARO301 Work safely in autonomous environments

·         RIIARO302 Work safely with remotely piloted aircraft systems

·         RIIARO303 Operate equipment in autonomous environments

·         RIIARO304 Coordinate and interact with autonomous systems

·         RIIARO305 Build and maintain routes for autonomous operations

·         RIIARO306 Respond to obstructions to autonomous operations

·         RIIARO307 Activate and deactivate autonomous systems

·         RIIARO401 Supervise autonomous operations

·         RIIMEX408 Supervise overburden dump operations

·         RIIMCU218 Work safely with polymeric chemicals in underground coal mining

·         RIIMCU312 Conduct polymeric chemical operations in underground coal mining

·         RIIMCU313 Mix and pump polymeric chemicals in underground coal mining

·         RIIMCU314 Transport and store polymeric chemicals in underground coal mining

·         RIIMCU409 Apply and monitor polymeric chemical management plans

How can VET Resources help you?

This is the best time to upgrade your course materials and add the latest courses to your RTO's scope. If you need assistance in developing the updated qualifications and units of competency, drop us an email at info@vetresources.com.au or give us a call on 1800 959 958. We would love to assist you. We're excited to bring you the best RII training packages.


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